Sunday, July 3, 2011

Lil' Pea Update...

Six Months? Can it be? Surely it can't.

But with another scheduled photo session (thanks to the wonderful gals at my work), solid foods being introduced, and a little munchkin rolling all over our living room... it must be. Half a year has gone by since the world as we knew it overflowed with more love than we ever thought possible; since our daughter decided she was finally ready to come out and meet us!

...Oh, to be able to remember and treasure every precious moment we've had with our Little Pea, our little Petunia, our Pickle, our Pun'kin, our Paisley Spring. There simply isn't enough brain capacity to hold it all! Maybe that's why God gave some genius the idea to create online photo albums? (Like that segue?)

Anyways! Two more albums to follow of our little munchkin, who's not so little anymore!

Paisley Spring - 5-6 Months

Paisley Spring - 5-6 Months Continued


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