Sunday, December 19, 2010

Where DOES the time go?

Seriously, how is it that we went from being in shock over two positive pregnancy tests, to now having a car seat installed in the back seat of my truck, a pack-n-play beside my bed, a whole room filled with baby items, and a packed suitcase ready to take to the birthing center at any moment, in such a seemingly short amount of time?! I guess you could say that I'm not one of those gals who feels like 9 months lasted a lifetime... Feels rather short, actually. Guess I have to be thankful that I have been blessed with such a great pregnancy. Dare I say that I've actually enjoyed it?... Well, I have. No, I will not miss the swollen ankles, achy feet, pregnancy acne, fluctuating hormones (though they have been good for a laugh or two along the way!), "weighing in" every few weeks, and getting up at all hours of the night for various reasons, BUT... I will surely miss some things - especially feeling our little girl move and squirm and hiccup all from the comfort of my belly. It's been a sweet time of being amazed at how God has designed our bodies to create life so perfectly, and of getting to know Baby in a special way.

Here's what "we" look like at about 37 weeks (two weeks ago)!

Tucker had to remind us that he's still important, and had to find a way to make it into the pictures too! Poor guy doesn't know what he's in for... I see a few neglectful weeks in his future... :(

- According to our midwives, Baby's head is "really low," but they think she's gonna be tall - like her Daddy, as her butt still looks high.
- Women love to tell you whether you've dropped or not (which I find rather annoying, as everyone has a different idea of what that "should" look like, and no one seems to care what the Mom-to-Be thinks or is actually feeling). Personally, I'm stickin' with what my midwives say and what I feel - which is something like a grapefruit about to drop outta me! (Sorry if that's too much of a mental picture! :) )
- I'm already amazed at how our bodies adapt to function on so little sleep. My internal clock is all kinds of outta whack these days, but somehow I manage to function rather well on so little sleep. Practice for what's to come, I'm sure...
- Baby was showing off for her dad the other day by showing him how hard she could scrape her elbow across his hand... Well, Scott yelled out of sheer shock (or terror, maybe), and I think it scared her! She went from all squirmy to suddenly very still. We got a good laugh over it, and she finally came around again to entertain us with her mysterious, moving body parts... Too funny.
- I'm a sock girl - I like my feet covered at the very least, and especially by a good pair of well-fitting socks. And I hate it when socks are on crooked or are loose by the toes. So let's just say that I've had my fair share of frustrating sock moments as I can no longer reach my feet unless I'm sitting and I hoist my foot up atop the opposite knee. But... this only complicates matters, as I then have to figure out how to get my sock on sideways - not the ideal set-up for a successful sock-putting-on moment. Too many times they end up crooked and goofy looking. Oh well... Just a matter of days and I'll be able to reach my toes again.
- Speaking of toes... I had a dilemma the other day as I looked down and realized that my toenails were in desperate need of a trimming, and I was stumped at how I was to go about remedying the situation! After concluding that I just couldn't bring myself to ask Scott to do it for me, I just went for it. You know, if you hold your breath and don't breath while bending over, you can reach just that much farther!
- I started last Thursday rather excited that it was my last day of work, but ended it in a pile of tears while sitting in my truck, waiting for it to warm up after a nice, long 12-hour shift. I'd been so excited to no longer have to wake up at ungodly hours of the morning to pull 12-hour shifts, running myself ragged trying to cater to people who think you're some sort of glorified waitress who also does all the dirty work, never seeing the light of day this time of year, only to end the day by sitting in a frozen heap of metal at -4 waiting for it to warm up before you can finally be on your way home where then you can't even hug your husband due to not knowing what kind of nastiness you're wearing, and a shower and your bed are all you want. BUT... sitting in my truck that night, I realized that it was really a bittersweet moment for me, as I was putting a big part of my Life's journey behind me. Over the course of my 5 1/2 years at Providence Hospital, I have grown in ways I never would have in any other environment. It stretched me, challenged me, showed me areas of strength - and weakness - I didn't know I had, built my confidence, humbled me, taught me people skills, introduced me to some of the most amazing people I've ever met, took me outside my "Christian Bubble" and showed me realities of the "Real World" - the bad and the good, exposed me to some of Life's greatest moments and some of its worst, taught me when to cry with people or simply sit and listen and when to just walk away, showed me what teamwork really looks like off the court and lived out in daily life (and what happens when people don't "play" as a team), and, of course, taught me far more about medicine and the medical field than I could ever try to write out on paper. While I'm excited to move on to this next journey, it will be sad to leave some of what I've had a Providence behind. I'm thankful for my time there and for who it's helped me become. Nothing can replace that...

Okay, I know this is getting long, but I have to share this... This is a terrible photo, but absolutely hilarious... Here's the scene: It's the middle of winter, none of my warm coats fit, I remember that there's a jacket in the basement that I never wore because it was too big, so I pull it out thinking it will be perfect. Scott comes in the room just as I'm about to zip it up and I excitedly tell him that I now have a coat that should fit. He watches (ever amazed at my growing belly and how many clothes I've outgrown) as I zip it up. And then... Pop! The zipper bursts open from the bottom up. Scott looks at me to see what my reaction will be, and when he sees me start to laugh, he just looses it... In between hysterical laughs, he tells me, "Wait there! I have to get the camera!" And hence, the photo...

And this... this is a little teaser of what's to come. Yep, Baby's room being painted... Her room is mostly done, but I still have some final details to finish up and curtains to finish. Once it's done, I'll give you the grand tour by photos...

Okay... sorry that was so long! Lots to catch up on, as I've been slacking on this whole blog thing... We've had many adventures and memories since I last posted, but they'll either have to wait or just fall by the wayside as spare time to just sit and type away is limited these days, and soon to be even more limited! Here's to hoping I can find time somewhere between school and diapers and feedings and maybe even some sleep!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Still Growing...

A few things we've noticed about our baby girl, who's growing bigger every day... (I know that's supposed to happen, but when I can tell that my belly really is bigger from one day to the next, it just throws me for a loop!)

- When I am lying on my right side, she likes to tickle me with her hands and feet to the point that it's unbearable, and I am forced to switch sides... Oh well, she's sure to get her fair share of tickles from her mom and dad in the not-so-distant future.
- Our baby girl is a good sleeper so far... she wakes up when I wake up and goes to sleep when I go to sleep... Let's hope she maintains that pattern!
- My stomach isn't the only thing that lets me know I'm hungry these days... Baby seems to get much more squirmy when I get hungry, and then settles down, content as could be, once I'm full.
- So... We think we have a name picked out (and no, we're not saying!). One night Scott had his hand on my belly, was talking to her, and called her the name we're liking, and she seemed to just wiggle like crazy with excitement. Caught us both off guard at the response; maybe it's a sign! : )
- The belly is beginning to take on foreign shapes, especially when our little girl decides it's time to swim around in there. Won't be long before we see a foot here, an elbow there...

Only 11 weeks to go... Yikes! She'll be here before we know it... Better get to readying her room!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

When Tragedy Strikes...

Last weekend brought about a terrible accident for a dear friend of ours, and his family...

Here are a few thoughts from the last few days:
- We are "human BEINGS." Just BE with them (the family) right now... That's what's important.
- Miracles still happen.
- Hope in Jesus isn't just some nice idea we spread around to make ourselves feel better; it literally is what keeps us going at times.
- You can never have too big a support system.
- There is nothing more powerful than being faced with huge loss to make one even more thankful for what one has been given. From the day I said "I do" to my husband, every night before bed I have thanked Jesus for him. That thankfulness has grown exponentially over the last almost 4 years, but the last few days have left me without words as to how thankful I am for him. Seems I have only tears to convey to Jesus my heartfelt thanks to Him for the man He's given me, and what we have together.
- Babies have a way of bringing joy to tragic situations.
- His peace really does surpass all understanding and comprehension, and He gives strength to those who turn to Him that is simply unexplainable.

Please pray for our friend Wes, who is in critical condition after a plane crash, and for his wife and 6-week-old baby boy. Pray that he would not only be able to breathe on his own, but that, with time, he would regain the use of his arms and legs. The outcome looks grim by what doctors are saying, but we have great hope, and we know that we believe in a God that still performs miracles...

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Since You've Been Asking......

Here she is at 6 months!

The Real Work Begins...

So, as has become an annual tradition, the Browns and Lubers gathered to celebrate Labor Day in true Alaska fashion - up to our elbows (literally) butchering and processing caribou meat. We spent 8 hours Sunday and 10 hours Monday picking hair, trimming, cutting, grinding, packaging, and learning how to make our own homemade Italian sausage. Our feet and backs were sore from standing, but it was a huge accomplishment, finished with pride. There's no feeling quite like knowing that your meat was handled with the best of care and made to your liking.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Caribou Hunt!

So... Almost 6 months prego, I wasn't sure if I would be up for keeping up with three men out on the tussocky tundra of the North Slope, chasing after caribou. But... knowing that hunting for me may very well look quite diffent in the not-so-distant future, I wanted to take advantage of the opportunity. So... I went. And, aside from having to adjust my pack to sinch below my ever-growing belly, it wasn't half bad! Actually, if I was honest, it almost seemed easier hiking this year as opposed to last - I think mostly due to the fact that I was more mentally prepared for the terrain we were hiking in. It wasn't easy - it never is - but it was totally doable! So, the 4 of us headed out on a grand 6-day adventure. We found that Summer has been hiding on the North Slope these last three months (hardly a cloud in the sky the whole time we were out there!). We went with the intention of taking three caribou - the shooters being Joel, Jayson, and myself, and we all came out successful! The boys were such gentlemen helping me lift my pack and helping to carry out the meat from my 'bou (the midwives said there was no problem backpack hunting with my 45-ish lb. pack so long as someone else helped me lift it to get it on... and that I didn't put much more weight in it than that). For details on the trip and pics of the other caribou, visit Scott's blog at

My 'bou in the foreground after the shot, and Joel's in the background still bedded.

The boys packing a load out halfway to the road, against a most georgous backdrop.

Jayson, well... being Jayson!

Big North Slope Sky.

My guy...

All of us with my guy...

Well, we may have "found Summer" up on the North Slope, but it definitely had the look of Autumn to it...

The goofy bunch...

One tired pup.

August Adventures...

Well, August brought more adventures for us, mostly consisting of chasing animals all over Alaska. The month started with Scott and Steve's annual sheep hunt, which returned them home to us with no meat or horns this year, but with good stories and memories to share. Scott and Steve's sheep hunt also gave me an opportunity to spend some time with Amy and Autumn, as they camped out at our place while our "boys" were gone. Autumn sure loved the raspberries from our garden... The boys came back a day early, so we got to spend some time all together, which was fun...

The next weekend, Scott headed back to the mountains in search of a sheep again. This time, he returned with an incredible story, horns, meat, hide, and the most proud smile you wouldn't have been able to wipe off his face if you tried! A weekend trip out for those elusive sheep, the odds were against him, but he went and he conquered. For more details, you'll have to visit his blog...

With some extra time on my hands, I got to work on a project I've been dreading, but knew needed done - I gathered all my magazines (you know, the ones you hang on to because they have one good decorating idea that you'll probably never get around to trying, but you can't bear to let go of nevertheless!), bought a little rubbermaid drawer set from Target, and went to town! I spent hours flipping through old magazines tearing out what I wanted to keep, and ditching the rest. Then, I organized the drawers with different subjects like Decorating Ideas; Remodel Ideas; Diet and Nutrition Articles; Marriage, Baby, and Parenting Articles; Recipe Clippings; etc., and filed all my torn-out pages. It felt SO good to finally get rid of the piles of magazines that have just been collecting dust. I think I took 3 boxes worth of "leftovers" to the dumpster! AND... now I'm actually using the articles and such that are in my drawers... it's so nice to have them handy and accessable. The nesting bug sure has bitten already! : )

August also brought about our big ultrasound where we found out that the lil' pea growing ever so quickly inside me is a girl... Here are a couple pictures of her... I got a big laugh over the calf/foot one - my first thought was, "That is SO Scott's calf!" I hope she inherits her daddy's super-human muscles!

Friday, August 20, 2010

She's a Girl!

More things we're learning:

- It's a girl! And ultrasounds just leave me in awe... Oh, and Scott informs me that "I'll just have to teach her to out throw, out hike, out hit all the boys..." Let's hope they're intimidated instead of infatuated! *Shakes head* Oh the things we get to worry over in the years to come!

- This little girl loves to move! She makes her presense known all day long with kicks and flips and such. ...Much to her Mama's enjoyment!

- Who ever said bike riding was a no-no during pregnancy? Can't believe I waited this long to ask my midwives about it. Bring on the bike rides from here on out! That is, until those little white things start falling from the sky...

- Compression stockings. Never guessed I'd be spending an ungodly amount of money on a pair of tight knee-highs. My legs will thank me, come work days especially.

- Leg cramps. Do I hear moans of sympathy out there? For someone who's never really experienced even a "charlie horse," this came as quite a shock. Here's the scene the other night: it's probably about 3 o'clock in the morning, we're both sound asleep, when all of a sudden, I "scream," as Scott puts it, and grab Scott's arm with a deathgrip, as I'm shouting (at 3 in the morning, it sure felt like shouting), "Ow! Ow! Ow!" When I managed to pry my nails out of Scott's flesh, I wasn't sure whether it hurt more to try to massage my calf that felt like it had some rabbid animal attacking it, or to just not touch it, and hope and pray that it passed. Cries of "Ooh, my leg!" finally gave way to some good chuckles, especially in the days that followed, as we re-lived the moment just for the sake of its hilarity! Scott thought something had bitten me, but says he rolled over and went right back to sleep after he realized what was happening. Not one of his most sympathetic moments, I must say, but that's okay. So... after a bit of searching and reading, sounds like more potassium, magnesium, even MORE water (and hence, more visits to my not-so-favorite room in the house), compression stockings on work days, a little salt before bed, and putting my feet up when sitting/resting are all in order for me in the days, weeks, and months to come. No more leg cramps for this gal! ...At least, I hope not.

- Hormones. Okay... society/media makes it sound like guys have the *hardest* time trying to "deal" with us and our hormones, but what about us - being trapped in a body that just decides to freak out on us once in a while? It's like an out of body experience, where your body is crying over some random, every-day conversation between you and Hubby, and you're sitting next to yourself, thinking, "What is going on? You were fine two seconds ago, and no one said anything touchy-feely or anything worth crying over... And yet you're crying... for no reason. Knock it off! You're gonna freak the Hubby out!" (I must admit, "Hubby" hasn't been freaked out by my little "freak-outs" yet. I just tell him it's hormones, and he takes it all in stride. Even wipes the tears for me if I can't get to 'em quickly enough. What a guy...) Anyways... quite the wild ride, this being-pregnant thing. At least it doesn't happen often - I don't know if I could handle myself if that were the case!

- And speaking of "freak-outs," I've learned that I must have food with me at all times. When this gal gets hungry, it's not a fun time for anyone. It was a learning experience for me when Scott and I were walking through Lowes one evening... I was desperately trying to make myself understand why I was so upset and annoyed with him, when I knew full-well that he had not only done absolutely nothing "wrong" but had been the sweetest husband to me... Then we got home, I ate something, and... suddenly all was right with the world again! Poor guy had to put up with one cranky wife for that trip to Lowes, but we both learned something that night - Liz must have food available, always and everywhere, and if Liz is cranky, feed her!

- I know I mentioned this once before, but I really can't understand why people feel so obligated to tell you their horror stories...? I annouced to some people that we're having a girl, and I was then barraded for the next however-long with horror stories of how terrible girls are when they hit certain ages. Thankfully I have enough sense about me to understand that these womens' stories don't have to be my same fate, and that raising a child to have an interactive relationship with Jesus creates different children than those I was being told about, who don't know Him, but still... I'm left perplexed. How tragic for young moms to be told such terrible things, with such confidence that the same fate awaits them too. It's like chaining shackles to someone, when you say such things. One of the things I loove about knowing Jesus, is that my "fate" doesn't have to be that of my mom's, my dad's, my peers, other young moms, other women - Jesus has a unique journey just for me, and thus a unique journey for our daughter as well. Sure, some of the struggles may be the same, but she's certainly not doomed to the same "fate" as the other girls I was being told about. Another reminder for us that misery does love company. But there's no freedom there; no life, and certainly no hope. Oh, and encouragement? Nope, not one drop. ...And so I claim freedom and life and hope and encouragement for our little girl... things only found by truly knowing and walking with Jesus. (Okay... I'm stepping down from my soap box now...)

- Is it odd that I get very excited that people can finally tell that I'm actually pregnant and not just "gaining a few pounds...?" It only took 5 1/2 months!

- Hubby's expressions are *priceless* when he feels his little girl move and kick. Love that.

- I must say... I get a kick out of a lot of these quirks that come with being pregnant. Some of this stuff is just plain hilarious to me...

- 22 weeks down; 18-ish to go... Really, how does time pass so quickly?

Saturday, August 7, 2010


I'm not sure how much Scott will appreciate me letting you all in on his *romantic*, lovey side, but as a proud wife, I can't help but share!

Here's the set-up... Steve flew in this morning to go with Scott on their annual sheep hunt, for which they left midday today, Saturday. We had to stop by Costco on the way to the airport to get Steve, and left a little late due to a phone call, so... we're running through Costco grabbing items here and there, trying to get out of there as fast as we can. As I'm speed pushing the cart into a check-out line, I ask Scott a question, but there's no answer... I look back. Scott's not there. A quick glance around, and I spot my handsome hubby, standing, croutons and massive package of paper towels in hand, staring at the flower section, with the most thoughtful look on his face. When he notices that I see him, he flags me over, and tells me to pick one out. (Now, this may not seem like a big deal, but I get flowers maybe - maybe! - once a year, so when he buys me flowers, it's a very special occasion for this gal, and I appreciate it beyond what you can imagine or may think is healthy!) Anyways... we picked a boquet out, and here's where they will remain for the next week, reminding me of my husband who is traversing mountain tops after the exquisite Dall Sheep.

Did I mention that he left me the most wonderful love note too?... I'm pretty spoiled... and loved very well!

God, please keep them safe, and bring them home to us...

Sunday, August 1, 2010


I got a little ahead of myself... We squeezed one more adventure into the month of July - another sheep scouting trip. This time, just me and my hubby... quite nice. So, I'm not usually fond of showing off pictures of me looking, well, quite goofy, but... oh well... I think I'm learning these days to just get over it...
Me, putting on some much-needed moleskin (that somehow found its way to the side of my ankle over the course of the hike, resulting in some quite lovely blisters), and showing off my "big" 4 1/2 month baby belly I had to lean over to do so! Goofy smile, I know, but I was trying to keep a straight face, as Scott was making me laugh... Good times.
Sometimes it just amazes me the things that grow out of the rocks up here. I had a thought out there, as all kinds of wildflowers surrounded us amongst the rocks... I'll bet there are very few people that travel up that valley, and yet God decided to cover it with all sorts of blues, purples, pinks, yellows, and whites in the form of wildflowers. I like to think that maybe He put 'em there just for us... you know, add to the *ambiance* of the trip... Haha... that made me laugh. Ambiance... Maybe it was more to make up for the nauseating swarms of biting flies we fought on our way in and out... Something to think about anyways...
This picture just makes me laugh. (Can you tell why?)
I told Scott that he needs to frame it...
My two boys... Handsome as ever.
Before heading down the snow field on the way home...
I sure love adventuring with my Hubby. Wouldn't trade it for the world...

Friday, July 30, 2010

Baby Update!

Here "we" are.... 18 weeks here, and growing leaps and bounds by the day!

So... we've learned a few more things in the last several weeks... Care to know?

- Maternity pants stink. You'd think after thousands of years of women going through this, that they'd come up with a better system. A piece of elastic attached to demin? C'mon... Do they actually work for some of you?! I'm not having much luck... *Stretchy pants* (for you Nacho Libre fans out there...) have become my saving grace...

- Dehydration causes the uterus to freak out... like really freak out. Like, want-to-drop-to-your-knees-in-the-middle-of-Freddies-'cause-the-pain-is-so-terrible kind of freak out. Yeah... not a fun experience, but I sure learned my lesson. The lid to my water bottle is never on, unless I'm en route somewhere. Otherwise my water bottle is practially attached to my mouth. Which also means I'm never far from a restroom!

-So, I'm not sure what this "fluttering" sensation is all about, because it feels more like someone is gently poking me with his finger from the inside, out. Either way, it's incredibly exciting and mind-blowing all at the same time. Here was the scene a few nights ago: Scott and I are laying in bed, chatting softly before falling asleep... "I think I feel the baby moving!" Scott reaches over and puts his hand on my belly... In a 'I'm-sorry' kind of voice, I tell him, "Babe, you won't be able to feel it..." "Shh!" he says, his hand still pressed against my belly, hoping for something... anything. Too cute... I love his excitement... Gives me a great peace.

- Picking a name is probably one of the hardest, most overwhelming tasks. Waiting on God to give us one feels like we not "doing" anything to help (which is obviously the wrong perspective), but looking for one feels cheap, like shopping for a piece of clothing.

- Baby still can't get enough fruit and bread...

- Tea... it's hard to find a tea that "they" say is not only good for you, but that isn't potentially harmful to Baby. Even the "pregnancy" teas out there contain herbs that aren't recommended during pregnancy. Sheesh... Somebody should just tell me that all teas are bad so I'll at least stop looking for one!

- "Nesting" started long ago for me... For many, many weeks now, I've had the itch to rid my house of anything unnecessary, unused for some time, and to organize the heck out of things. Thinking ahead to all the "stuff" that accompanies Baby makes me want to gut our house and all that's in it, to "start fresh" when the little one arrives. The Arc of Anchorage hauled away several boxes and bags of items just this week, and I already have another growing pile that will need hauled away here soon. I'm seeing corners of rooms that I haven't seen in a year or more! And I feel that I've only just touched the surface... So much to do. It's work, but it sure feels good to get rid of it all, and to organize our house a little better.

July Adventures

For the 4th of July, we headed back into the mountains as far as an old beat-up Toyota pickup would take us, and as far away from as many people as is possible on that particular weekend. We headed to "our spot" in Hatchers Pass looking like hillbillies for sure... Vince, my brother, was at the wheel of Ol' Blue, I was riding shotgun, and the bed was loaded to the hilt with gear, guns, fireworks, dogs, and 5 other people. It's a shame we don't have a photo of that... Quite priceless. Anyways... here's some evidence of the fun that weekend...
This little guy came for a visit while the boys were out galavanting amongst its friends, and while I was in camp catching up on some much-needed R & R. He poses quite nicely for photo shoots, I must say...
Grampa and Gramma Bertolini came for their annual summer "fishing" trip. Grampa got to fish from a private dock and smoke his cigars (the highlight of these trips for him), and they both just soaked up all the quality time with family. Love, love, love my grandparents... they're one-of-a-kind.
The third weekend in July, Scott and his cousin headed to sheep country to do some scouting, and encountered some unique terrain, as well as a handful of the much-sought-after animals...
It's a shame this first picture is so small here; those animals really are quite stunning, even from a distance.... I sure enjoy my fair share of hunting, more for the adventure involved and knowing that it will fill my freezer, but there's something about these sheep that just draws some excitement out of me... They're quite majestic... Just like the country they live in...

June Adventures

The first weekend in July, we found ourselves drifting in the ocean waves for halibut... in a zodiak. A great new adventure for us, and likely not the last time we'll be seen out there...A few dozen eagles decided to camp out along the beach as fellow fishermen tossed their "leftovers" aside... Made for some good entertainment, to say the least.
A gal I work with and her boyfriend offered to have us up to the Copper River out of Chitina to go dipnetting with them out of their boat. And who could turn down an offer like that?! So... the second weekend in July, we got ourselves all kinds of slimy and sandy, as we camped on the beach and fished at odd hours of the night. We took home 30 reds and 5 kings. Just what we'd been hoping for....And then we proceeded to processes the fish for days thereafter... most of which included smoking and canning it.
Third weekend included some rather unsuccessful fishing on the Kenai, and then a 5 hour-long stint of wood cutting. Do you think we'll have enough for the winter? I don't know...
We wrapped up June with an annual rafting trip down the Kenai. Not many salmon to be caught then either (thanks to the no-show run of fish). But the boys had fun trying their hands at fly fishing, even catching a few trout.
When we're not backpacking, we sure do camp food well. It's actually probably one of the highlights of these types of camping trips for us - we eat so well! Let's see... pork loin, deer chops, corn on the cob, steamed mixed veggies, and...
...A baked potato bar that would rival any found in any restaurant. We have... s & p, sour cream, bacon bits, butter, scallions, and shredded cheddar cheese. Mmm... Makin' me hungry!
And the aftermath: one pooped puppy. We couldn't have kept him awake if we'd tried!